Monday, October 19, 2009

Weekend Fun!

This last weekend we got away! It's been a long time since we've left town with no real plans. We spent a lot of time at our hotel, swimming, jumping on the bed, and walking up and down the halls. I'd have to say Jeremy did most of the jumping....anyway, it was much needed.

Sunday turned out to be one of the nicest fall day's we've had. Sayla was pretty excited about jumping in the leaves. Anders was even more excited to be off and running outdoors. He kept us on our toes!

Sayla then got a hold of the camera and took some great pictures for our Christmas a couple of my favorites.

We had many rear end pictures, but I didn't want to make anyone jealous. We'll reserve those for the family.
We rounded out the day with a game of Mr. Wolf, ate supper, and then let Sayla boss us around for a half hour. It really was a pretty good weekend!!


Unknown 19 October, 2009  

sayla sure is quite the photographer! i don't know Mr. Wolf, but i'm sure Sayla did a great job playing "boss"
fun pix!

Liz Harrell 23 October, 2009  

Precious! Just precious!

What You Will Find Here

This is a blog about me and my life. I write about the everything, and the nothing that consumes a stay-at-home mom of two. My monster is my one year old little boy, and his sister is my four year old daughter. You should know that I am not a writer, I'm not a speller, but I think I'm funny. I really get a kick out of myself sometimes. The truth is....I'm funnier in my head. So often, this blog is a bad attempt at humor and sarcasm, but mostly it's about the mundane, wonderful, boring, exciting, crabby, happy days we have together.

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