Hooray For School!
School started and I couldn't be more excited! I love fall, I love pumpkins, I love baking! To me this is the best time of the year. Sayla is right on board with her excitement. She sat and waited for an hour this morning, just waiting to go to school. She loves making new friends, and she is excited to see some of the same friends from last year. She has a new teacher this year and when we got to school today she was greeted with a birthday crown. That teacher won Sayla's heart I'm sure. Sayla looked at me like, I get to go to school AND wear this crown.....life doesn't get any better than this!
awww, they already knew they had a princess in their presence!!
Of course she HAD to wear the ruby slippers to school!!!
Somewhere, I have a picture of Jeremy standing on our front porch in the same stance as Sayla (with the backpack). This just makes me smile. Thank you for sharing these pix!
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