Saturday, May 23, 2009

Big Boy!

Anders is almost 9 months old!! He pulled himself up to standing today and of course I was working and I missed it. I knew it would be soon and he probably won't do it again for another month. It seems like that's how it usually works doesn't it. Hopefully I'll get a picture soon.


What You Will Find Here

This is a blog about me and my life. I write about the everything, and the nothing that consumes a stay-at-home mom of two. My monster is my one year old little boy, and his sister is my four year old daughter. You should know that I am not a writer, I'm not a speller, but I think I'm funny. I really get a kick out of myself sometimes. The truth is....I'm funnier in my head. So often, this blog is a bad attempt at humor and sarcasm, but mostly it's about the mundane, wonderful, boring, exciting, crabby, happy days we have together.

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